After that great night, we decided to go straight home ah. Board the 1st train at redhill at 630 am. So i reach outside my home at 710 am. And guess what ah, i knock the door like a few times. There’s still no reply. So can you imagine, i was damn shagged and fucking tired, i slept outside my fucking house for 4 hours, what a record for me ah. Finally, decided to go to my aunts house which was quite near ah at boon lay. I walked from my house to lakeside mrt because i don’t have any cash with me, had consession mrt pass. Took like 15 mins journey ah. So alight at boon lay mrt, continue my walking journey under the hot sun to my aunts house. Once reached at my aunts place, saw my aunt and salam her. She asked me, “wah siang sampai?, Ni mesti lari rumah kan?” I was like err.... She really knows me well unlike my mum. She’s like the gerek aunty ah, i can really share problems with. So when im stressed up with things, i just drop-by her place and have a chat with her, ask for opinions too.