relaxing saturday with atika
finally got to hang out with her,
went town, chilled at starbucks
watch the movie 'The Curse of Benjamin Button'
at my laptop, decided to sit at takaraks just hang around talk craps
met few friends too over there, and i still remember that one of my friend ask her that ' Am i
her gf or what? haha,
not being mentelish nor flirtish lah
but the fact is i kinda like her
but as a close-friend
not too close but as a normal close-friend if you get what i mean(haha whatever)
im serious!!!, its kinda of rude to contact someone who's on relationship, i don't like to interfere. well yeah i got to know from last year when she was single
A word that best describes her

finally got to hang out with her,
went town, chilled at starbucks
watch the movie 'The Curse of Benjamin Button'
at my laptop, decided to sit at takaraks just hang around talk craps
met few friends too over there, and i still remember that one of my friend ask her that ' Am i
her gf or what? haha,
not being mentelish nor flirtish lah
but the fact is i kinda like her
but as a close-friend
not too close but as a normal close-friend if you get what i mean(haha whatever)
im serious!!!, its kinda of rude to contact someone who's on relationship, i don't like to interfere. well yeah i got to know from last year when she was single
A word that best describes her
Thanks Atika,