at last we've just finish our 4-Day workshop
with the 50+ peeps
we have to design their dream home for them
first day was ice breaking session
second day we went to an empty apartment where the 50+ peeps
can imagine their dream or visualise their dream home concept, then we start
to interview them with video camera for documentation purpose
third day we have to start combine ideas and generate some cool ideas,
aaa lot of sketching
Last day is our presentation, present our 5 ideas to the whole group
at the lecture hall :)
im really glad that i went to the workshop
didnt expect it to be so fun
and i prefer to generate/explore ideas with the elderlys because they really
give good ideas and thoughts plus problems too.
at the end of the day
we were all presented with a certificate
for completing 50+ a 4-day workshop
wonderful experience :)
have a nice day
here some of the photos of what we did in the workshop