bought maciam2 ah..
helped ibu to find her 1st day baju kurong which is in black and brown
carried all the things byk leceh ohh
plus deng-deng is a must for me when i reach geylang..
and i was surprised to bump into JACKS gang
chilling at geylang, but the important person in their gang was missing
which is 'islam' too bad, he's working now ~ :)
for the past few weeks i've been feeling really shitty here and there ~ (mcm siak feeling)
i hope after the trip to japan, problems will be solved
i always think that i've been cursed from some idiot for no reason..urgh
moving on..
for those who have been reading my blog
i wanna wish you all Selamat hari raya
mohon maaf zahir dan batin