December 30, 2008
December 28, 2008
Cool design

December 25, 2008
Christmas eve
So i called Mel, like so random. She said she's going to clarke quay, party. I was like uhh ok. Celebrating her cousins bdae.Alamak i 4got her name uh."sorry mel" chey!! knew her friendster name is umm, adorewavyhair is it? well yeah. they went to a new club called REBEL located behind ZIRCA its still under same management though. Then bought some drinks and we sat at the bridge near riverside. I get to know one of Mel's friend uh, oops forgot his name too but guess what ah, he works at CK. He's in too high end stuffs uh, which is kinda cool. I just wish that i can afford high end products.damn. maybe one fine day adli!!
so reach home at 130 am. off to bed. meraps peeps!
December 24, 2008
December 23, 2008
December 22, 2008

After that great night, we decided to go straight home ah. Board the 1st train at redhill at 630 am. So i reach outside my home at 710 am. And guess what ah, i knock the door like a few times. There’s still no reply. So can you imagine, i was damn shagged and fucking tired, i slept outside my fucking house for 4 hours, what a record for me ah. Finally, decided to go to my aunts house which was quite near ah at boon lay. I walked from my house to lakeside mrt because i don’t have any cash with me, had consession mrt pass. Took like 15 mins journey ah. So alight at boon lay mrt, continue my walking journey under the hot sun to my aunts house. Once reached at my aunts place, saw my aunt and salam her. She asked me, “wah siang sampai?, Ni mesti lari rumah kan?” I was like err.... She really knows me well unlike my mum. She’s like the gerek aunty ah, i can really share problems with. So when im stressed up with things, i just drop-by her place and have a chat with her, ask for opinions too.
Friday night
At 9 am, went to hospital accompanied my mum to hospital because my younger brother had an appointment with the doctor. My mum waited outside the room, she wanted me to go in to accompany my brother. He was nervous, i told him don’t worry, just think about playing PSP after this ok. Just to make him calm I hold his hands too ah. So total i counted the stitches was 11 of em’. Byk pe? I was like ouch. So in the afternoon, went to my kakak sedare’s ward. She just gave birth to a baby girl. Cute giler. I just love babies, so adorable. Isn’t it that great to be a father?. Spend time with your kids. Share your past time which was your kental days when u was a kid. And be the one who’s really understanding and reasonable ah.
Evening, met friends at town, standard routine ah, met up at Far East, dinner at cahaya restaurant, smoke outside subway. Chill for awhile. If no other plans, straight to TAKA. Ha-ha funny! Had invites for aldrin event which was at zouk. Had 9 of em but 6 were given away? Left 3 so I asked Jbon to give chicks uh. So they need not pay 25 bucks for the cover charge. Went drinking at Zion coffee shop. Re-enter zouk at 1230 am. I was half drunk and tipsy. Aldrin is the shit ah!! Local best DJ. Superb tracks from him. And guess what ah, i had the chance to shake hands with him baikk pe! And i told him that “Eddie lee is here” from my phone. Got picture taken with DJ B at winebar. Yeah, what a great night after all.
December 19, 2008
Will I Ever Feel Love Again

Up to this day, i kept thinking what actually the word LOVE means to me. Some people believe, love at first sight but i don't. You might find this weird/funny for you guys, but the thing is i've never felt loved before. Like someone right beside you tells you before you go to sleep, "hey dear i love you so much". Not a single thing seriously.
How many ex's i have? Only 2 and that really sucks. So its been like nearly to 5 years not having a relationship. I don't believe it either. The reason why i wrote this because i was listening to the song coldest winter by Kanye West.
Which really makes me the semangat to give it another one last try to find the right 'one' for me.
Er..i've tried once lah. But ends up being close friends. Im trying to really understand what women really wants from men. WHY must women say that all guys are the same? and WHY men didnt say that all women are all the same? is it true? klaka kan(funny right)? meraps abes.
December 18, 2008
Kanye West 808' & Heartbreak
Download - Kanye West - Bad News
- Download - Kanye West - See You In My Nightmares
- Download - Justin Timberlake ft T.I. - I If
- Download - T Pain - Naked On The Dancefloor
December 17, 2008
Invites to Aldrin
The event is on fri 19 dec 08. Its before 11 pm.
Gotong Royong dok!
I really love my aunties a lot ah, its like if u have any problems which u dont wana tell ur parents bout it, i would rather talk to them. Sometimes they even gave pocket money, gave me new hp or top my hp.hehe. ok crap!
So after few hours, i was like feeling hungry ah..went to the kitchen, i asked my mum what's for lunch, she said nasi briyani sia. huhu best! My aunties help my mum to prepare it.

In the evening later i went to duffy's place. He wanted me to chill at his place, cos his friend aidil is making a big portrait for duffy's room. Cool sia, aidil ask me to reach for his bag and check out his latest artworks on graffiti. I told him hey bro, two thumbs up for you bro! damn nice ah
so here's a quick peek wt has he done so far.
December 16, 2008
M.O.D.E Updates
So we start playin from 2 - 4 pm. Around 4 plus, received a miss call which was badot. OMG i forget that i had to meet him at town by 3. But nvm, "janji melayu katakan" if i reach 3 pm sharp, basically he wld reach like 1 hour 30 minutes later..damn piss off ah, he still have the cheek msging me - "Latecomers will not be entertain" haha.. if u're who's badot here he is - picture below

This candid picture was taken on last fri. We're otw home. I have to admit, he's the coolest friend i ever had. With his dreadlocks and he skates well, knows well of street fashion. Lately, i've been hanging out with him and some other friends at cineleisure or Kopitiam. He just bought a bdae gift for himself, a macbook. Cool lor. So he asked me to guide him ah, cause he knows nothing bout computers. I download a couple of softwares for him so hw would not get bored at home. Traktor DJ software, Youtube downloader and some other stuffs.
And guess what people, i realised that last week, i went to town like everyday ah..omg, and i always reach home like 1245 am.baikk peh.

December 14, 2008
moriccomode so far..
I really hope that we really succeed frm our own business, its really a dream for me to see people start wearing my own design shirts..seriously. Well things have been going smoothly, friends giving good compliments and smiles on their faces. Some recommended that, i shld start makin t's for the ladies..well its not that i dont want to..i wanna do things step by step ok ladies? soon worriess. well here's some pics from the peeps who wore our tee's includin me..haha enjoy.
